The theme of my book is that with every good thing that happens a bad thing follows shortly afterwards. For example my main character Ren, gets adopted when his chances were very slim which was fantastic but; he doesn't get the "perfect" family that he has always dreamed of. A quote that supports this from my book is "We all need prayers," Said Brother Joesph . "Especially when something good happens to us" He sighed. "Bad luck follows anything thats good" (Tinti 12). This shows how the theme apllies in the book. Ren is a round character because his character changes for example,in the beginning of the book Ren almost got adopted; the man inspected the orphans then once he saw that Ren was missing his right hand he decided that he didn't want to adopt him. For example; "he was missing his hand. Ren's left arm simply ended (Tinti 9). So this shows why he did not get adopted.